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发表于 2023-7-9 07:37:09 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

“Our people share many things in common — far more than our differences,” Ms. Yellen said at the lunch.








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 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-9 07:38:19 | 只看该作者
China and the U.S., Still Adversaries, Are Talking. That’s a Start.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.4375]Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, after 10 hours of meetings with Chinese officials, said the two sides would pursue “more frequent communication” despite their deep differences.
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[color=var(--color-content-quaternary,#727272)][size=0.9375]U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said at a news conference in Beijing that the United States and China would pursue more high-level communication despite “significant disagreements.”[color=var(--color-content-quaternary,#727272)][size=0.8125]Credit...Thomas Peter/Reuters


[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=0.9375]By Alan Rappeport and Keith Bradsher
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=0.9375]Alan Rappeport, who covers the Treasury Department, and Keith Bradsher, a bureau chief, reported from Beijing.

July 9, 2023[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)]Updated 8:31 a.m. ET

[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]Treasury Secretary [color=var(--color-signal-editorial,#326891)]Janet L. Yellen came to China amid hopes that the United States could restart a relationship that has been deteriorating for years and had gotten off the rails recently over significant points of tension — including the war in Ukraine, a Chinese [color=var(--color-signal-editorial,#326891)]spy balloon that flew over U.S. territory and was shot down by the American military, and the two countries’ escalating exchange of [color=var(--color-signal-editorial,#326891)]restrictions on trade.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]After 10 hours of meetings over two days in Beijing, Ms. Yellen said at a news conference on Sunday that she believed the United States and China were on a steadier footing despite their “significant disagreements.”
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]“We believe that the world is big enough for both of our countries to thrive,” Ms. Yellen said.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]Ms. Yellen announced that the two sides would pursue more frequent communication at the highest levels, describing improved dialogue as a way to prevent mistrust from building and fraying a relationship that she called “one of the most consequential of our time.” Her trip followed one a few weeks by Secretary of State [color=var(--color-signal-editorial,#326891)]Antony J. Blinken. And later this month, [color=var(--color-signal-editorial,#326891)]John Kerry, the special presidential envoy for climate change, will visit China to restart global warming negotiations.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]Yet a meaningful easing of the economic tension may not be likely. Ms. Yellen headed back to Washington on Sunday with no announcements of breakthroughs or agreements to mend the persistent fissures between the two nations. And Ms. Yellen made clear that the Biden administration has serious concerns about many of China’s commercial practices, including its treatment of foreign companies, and policies that the United States views as efforts at economic coercion.



[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]On her trip, the first by a U.S. Treasury secretary in four years, Ms. Yellen met with four of the most powerful Chinese leaders involved in economic policymaking under President Xi Jinping, who is at the start of his third term in office: Premier Li Qiang, China’s No. 2 official; Ms. Yellen’s counterpart, [color=var(--color-signal-editorial,#326891)]Vice Premier He Lifeng; the finance minister, Liu Kun; and the newly installed party chief of the People’s Bank of China, Pan Gongsheng.


[color=var(--color-content-quaternary,#727272)][size=0.9375]Ms. Yellen, left, met with Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng, right, her counterpart, in Beijing, on Saturday, as part of the 10 hours of meetings she had in two days.[color=var(--color-content-quaternary,#727272)][size=0.8125]Credit...Pool photo by Mark Schiefelbein


[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]Hours before Ms. Yellen’s news conference, China’s official news agency, Xinhua, issued a report on her visit that described the talks as constructive but also reiterated what China sees as key areas of dispute. The report expressed China’s continued objections to the Biden administration’s emphasis on preserving American national security through trade restrictions.
Relations Between China and the U.S.
  • U.S.-China Relationship, by the Numbers: Despite the increasingly intense rivalry between the two, the world’s two largest economies remain integral partners in many ways. [color=var(--color-signal-editorial,#326891)]Here are some figures that illustrate the links between them.
  • Chips: U.S. chipmakers are finding it increasingly hard to operate in China. But doing business in the country [color=var(--color-signal-editorial,#326891)]is still key to their survival.* Climate Negotiations: John Kerry, President Biden’s special envoy for climate change, said that he would travel to China to [color=var(--color-signal-editorial,#326891)]restart global warming negotiations between the world’s two largest polluters after a yearlong freeze in climate talks.
  • Fentanyl Crisis: After cooperation on the issue between China and the United States was derailed by geopolitical tensions, the Biden administration [color=var(--color-signal-editorial,#326891)]is pushing other countries to pressure China to do more to curb the outflow of precursor chemicals used to make the synthetic drug.

[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]“China believes that generalizing national security is not conducive to normal economic and trade exchanges,” Xinhua said. “The Chinese side expressed concern about U.S. sanctions and restrictive measures against China.”
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]The U.S.-China relationship is enormously consequential. Their economies, the world’s two largest, together represent 40 percent of global output and remain integral partners in many ways. They sell and buy critical products from each other, finance each other’s businesses, and create apps and movies for audiences in both countries.

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[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]Chinese officials raised their own concerns with Ms. Yellen. The Treasury secretary said they discussed the tariffs that the Trump administration imposed on Chinese imports, which have been left in place. While Ms. Yellen has criticized tariffs as ineffective, she suggested that the administration would not make any decision about the levies until an ongoing internal review of them was concluded, reiterating the position of the administration since President Biden took office.

[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]She also acknowledged Chinese concerns about looming [color=var(--color-signal-editorial,#326891)]U.S. restrictions on investment in China and said that she tried to explain that such measures would be narrowly targeted at certain sectors and would not be intended to have broad effects on China’s economy. Chinese officials and experts also worry that the administration’s efforts to limit China’s access to certain technology could impair their development of high-potential industries like artificial intelligence and quantum computing.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]“I explained that President Biden is examining potential controls on outbound investment in certain very narrow high technology areas,” Ms. Yellen said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation," adding that such restrictions “should not be something that will have a significant impact on the investment climate between our two countries.”
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]China has had its own broader restrictions on outbound investment since 2015, as it has encouraged Chinese companies and households to steer clear of overseas real estate speculation and has pushed them instead to [color=var(--color-signal-editorial,#326891)]invest abroad in sectors of strategic value like aircraft production, heavy manufacturing and cybersecurity.


[color=var(--color-content-quaternary,#727272)][size=0.9375]Shipping containers at the Port of Los Angeles, in San Pedro, Calif. Ms. Yellen said the tariffs that the Trump administration imposed on Chinese imports would remain in place for now.[color=var(--color-content-quaternary,#727272)][size=0.8125]Credit...Coley Brown for The New York Times


[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]Wu Xinbo, the dean of international studies at Fudan University in Shanghai, cautioned that Ms. Yellen’s trip would not result in a substantive improvement in relations unless it was accompanied by changes in the Biden administration’s policies toward China.



[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]“So far, we haven’t seen any sign that Biden will rethink his economic policy toward China,” he said.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]The desire for more dialogue struck some analysts as a significant development, with both countries at least talking about their disagreements after months of silence.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]He Weiwen, a former official at China’s Ministry of Commerce who is now a senior fellow at the Center for China and Globalization in Beijing, welcomed Ms. Yellen’s comment that both China and the United States could thrive. “China and the U.S. have profound differences, so constant, direct exchanges are not only constructive but of crucial importance,” he said.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]Chinese economic policymakers have a long history of working more closely with the Treasury Department, which has historically valued China as a sizable investor in American bonds and as a potential market for American financial services. The Commerce Department and the Office of the United States Trade Representative, with their greater emphasis on fostering employment and industrial self-reliance, have tended to have more fractious relationships with their Chinese counterparts.




[color=var(--color-content-quaternary,#727272)][size=0.9375]Ms. Yellen met several top Chinese leaders involved in economic policy, including Premier Li Qiang, China’s No. 2 official.[color=var(--color-content-quaternary,#727272)][size=0.8125]Credit...Pool photo by Mark Schiefelbein


[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]This was particularly true during the Trump administration. Liu He, who was the vice premier overseeing international economic policy until He Lifeng succeeded him four months ago, tried repeatedly to reach compromises on trade and economic matters with Steven Mnuchin, who served as Treasury Secretary under former President Donald J. Trump. But Mr. Mnuchin was unable to persuade Mr. Trump, who ended up imposing tariffs on a wide range of Chinese exports as retaliation for what he said were unfair business practices.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]Many U.S. businesses with ties to China, along with Chinese officials, had hoped for friendlier relations under Mr. Biden. Instead, tensions between the U.S. and China have grown deeper over the past two years and became downright frosty after the spy balloon episode in February.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]While Ms. Yellen’s visit was seen as a positive step, many experts in both China and the United States cautioned against expecting a lot to change.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]“Yellen’s trip will likely turn down the temperature on the economic relationship for a bit and remind the U.S. and China that they share some commercial interests, even if waning, and they need to talk through thick and thin — perhaps business conditions will improve at the margins,” said Mark Sobel, a former longtime Treasury official.



[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]But given national security concerns in both countries, a perception in China that the U.S. seeks to contain its economic advancement and hawkish political language on both sides, he said, “Yellen’s trip will hardly change the underlying dynamic and trajectory of the economic relationship.”


[color=var(--color-content-quaternary,#727272)][size=0.9375]Ms. Yellen had lunch in Beijing with a group of Chinese women who are economists and entrepreneurs, and suggested that there are many areas where the United States and China can find agreement.[color=var(--color-content-quaternary,#727272)][size=0.8125]Credit...Pool photo by Mark Schiefelbein


[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]Despite the disagreements between the U.S. and China, Ms. Yellen was greeted warmly during her first visit to Beijing as Treasury secretary.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]In a meeting with Premier Li Qiang, China’s second-highest official, he mentioned that a rainbow had appeared overhead upon her arrival and suggested it was a symbol of hope that ties between the two countries could be mended.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]After Ms. Yellen was spotted dining on Thursday night at a restaurant that serves cuisine from the province of Yunnan, [color=var(--color-signal-editorial,#326891)]Chinese state media wrote about her impressive use of chopsticks and reported that bookings at the restaurant were up after she was seen eating mushroom dishes on social media.



[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]Ms. Yellen also met with Chinese experts on climate finance and had lunch with a group of Chinese women who are economists and entrepreneurs. She suggested that there are many areas where the United States and China can find agreement.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)][size=1.25]“Our people share many things in common — far more than our differences,” Ms. Yellen said at the lunch.
[color=var(--color-content-secondary,#363636)]Ana Swanson contributed reporting.








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-9 08:57:34 | 只看该作者


Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Lunch with Female Economists and Entrepreneurs of the People’s Republic of China

July 8, 2023
As Prepared for Delivery

It’s great to see all of you. Thank you for joining me for lunch.

I am in Beijing at this critical time because, for all the disagreements between our nations, President Biden and I believe it is in the best interests of our peoples to put our relationship on a better track and to maintain open and honest lines of communication.

I strongly believe that the relationship between our two countries is rooted in the solid ties between the American and Chinese people. It is important that we keep nurturing and deepening these ties, especially as China reopens after three years of COVID lockdowns.

Let me be clear: while the U.S. has differences with the Chinese government, these are not disagreements with the Chinese people.

In fact, we are proud to have millions of Chinese immigrants in the United States who enrich our communities.

We are eager to welcome Chinese tourists to our country, and Chinese students to our schools and universities. China remains among the most represented countries among international students in the United States.

Our people share many things in common – far more than our differences. I understand that you are economists. As you may know, I am an economist too. I began my career in economics in the 1970s, and pursued a career in labor economics before becoming a central banker and now Treasury Secretary.

Over the course of my career, I’ve seen how China’s adoption of market-based economic policies has transformed the country and lifted many hundreds of millions of people out of poverty.

It is my hope for the benefit of both China and the United States, as well as for the broader global economy, that those policies are carried out moving forward.

I know we share similar stories and experiences about what a career in economics is like, and the challenges you can face when you’re the only woman in the room or at the decision-making table.

I am eager to hear about your backgrounds and research, including what got you interested in economics in the first place and how you see your career progressing.

Thank you again for taking time to join me, and I look forward to our lunch.








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-9 10:04:28 | 只看该作者

2023年07月09日 18:10:40 来自北京







有网友认出,这家餐厅名为“长安壹号”,英文名也比较有意思,叫“Made in China”,位于北京东方君悦大酒店内。






刘倩曾在美国加州大学伯克利分校访问研究,并受训于斯坦福大学全球领导力培训课程,研究领域主要围绕全球宏观经济、中国宏观经济、劳动经济学等 。

刘倩曾担任经济学人智库全球经济研究部和中国研究部负责人和欧洲证券及市场管理局内部审查委员会主席 。2021年被任命为中国英国工商会副主席 。



同时她还是《东方文化周刊》专栏撰稿人,童行书院创始人 , “折叠宇宙”发起人。








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