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louboutins and I think it has nothing to do with progress and retrogression









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发表于 2015-11-7 22:05:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
to implement a policy that will not have representatives of the Kuomintang Lien Chan and Hu Jintao in Beijing handshake. Cultural quest is to look forward, clinging tightly done yesterday, or who "has done it means for the" view of people, is a true open-era reverse. [User swan songbirds]: What Jiang's teacher, then the implementation of the State is considered Simplified? Are you experiencing great resistance when implemented? Simplified use to improve the standard of the national culture mean? [Jiang Lansheng]: to finish writing tasks of the reform movement since the late Qing Dynasty, the task has been widely support the people of the country, there is no resistance, then use simplified characters to improve the cultural level of the whole nation has played a significant role in promoting In the 1950s.
quietly thinking,hogan uomo, the purpose is a word,hollister femme, I am a Chinese, we consider today to Chinese ethnic heritage,zanotti 2015, transfer pulse, and Chinese heritage and reproduce,peuterey 2015, have their own thinking and definitions. Rich and poor relations with the ethnic culture of the Chinese nation, but the nation's roots and soul contact with everyone's efforts, the context, I think everyone is like that.
the exam Traditional time-consuming, right? [Pan Qinglin]: As an example, in our elementary school,piumino moncler, I think that from now on, start from primary school children to learn simplified characters a little while to talk about traditional Chinese characters, it is feasible. What is the easiest? Let me give you an example, many students say to me, is a kind of backward traditional Chinese characters, the society, the world-famous, the simpler the better, these scholars speak as simple as possible, I ask, is the most simple hamburger, eating bite fight a hiccup, the easiest KFC,chaussures louboutin homme, simpler is Coca-Cola, carbonated Well, then five thousand years of Chinese culture on the tongue, why do soup or even a day or two days it? According to this logic say that the United States appears burgers,parajumpers homme, KFC,veste barbour homme, we use chicken, vinegar,pjs doudoune, get some water is hot and sour soup. Some people say that one country.
two initiatives article, I think the text and the system is not the same,air max femme, the DPRK can be more, on behalf of movable, languages immutable, from the Qin Dynasty after dynasty which changed the text of China? Some people say to me, you proposed this thing, to do with democracy, none of the people's livelihood, it is not the task of the CPPCC, "politics", I do not agree that this is outside of democracy and people's livelihood, the relationship between the people believe is a major event, as far as I know,outlet peuterey, nearly all the millions of overseas Chinese and Chinese characters as a link between faith and Chinese culture as their true refuge and religious, in the extraterritorial survival. Word problems, is a major event in the world, affect ethnic relations forever, although it is not as good as current social and economic problems, including the employment of migrant workers to solve the problem urgently, but the relationship between the soul and roots,barbour soldes, even more important. Some say restore traditional characters are back, and I think it has nothing to do with progress and retrogression, banknotes issued up to now, gold is still hard currency is the best example, a young man has done things just can not change, otherwise Without the fifties to the eighties also labeled a rightist.
1960s,chaussures louboutin homme, people were lifted literacy, learning and cultural boom, the liberation of our country has 85% illiteracy rate decreased rapidly, Simplified improve the efficiency of writing, more than 2,200 Average Simplified pen stroke is 10.3, compared with the corresponding average reduction of 5.8 Anti pen. Let's say 48 Traditional graduation plans, simplified 24; 60 as National Day gift Traditional plans,peuterey prezzi, simplified plan is 32; 39 Taiwan Traditional plans, simplified 17 programs, especially for the majority of the work to create a culture of farmers learn a very convenient conditions. [Asks together]: Now the distance between you propose to restore use traditional characters for four years, after such a long debate and precipitation, I do not know if you still insist on view before? Why? [Pan Qinglin]: For restore traditional characters, I persevere, never change their views. Previously proposed, and after several years of debate and precipitation, I still say, always adhere to restore traditional characters. And today our reform and opening today, there has been such and such a "get",moncler piumini, also appeared with this kind of money, do not come with their lives to restore the loss of it, regardless of who is literate, knowledgeable people,air jordan pas cher, or engage in politics or the ordinary people,basket louboutin, for the future development of the Chinese nation, standing at different angles,louboutin femme pas cher, when to stop and at night.
the National Ministry of Education formally converted promulgated the "first simplified form" (324 words), due to strong opposition from the conservative forces of the Kuomintang, six months after being abolished. After the liberation of the promotion of Putonghua and simplified Chinese characters, Pinyin formulation and implementation of the three languages of the modern reform movement is to continue the previous stage, and ultimately under the leadership of the party and the government, to be successful with the support of the people under. [Users a meter residual light]: Your proposal has caused great debate about simplified dispute, many experts believe that the direction of the evolution of Chinese characters is simplified, so that now the average person familiar with the simplified and re-use of traditional Chinese characters Are there great difficulties? Especially students.

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