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Guess the size of my anime waifu melons

发布者: babyface | 发布时间: 2023-5-20 15:38| 查看数: 1902| 评论数: 6|帖子模式

本帖最后由 babyface 于 2023-5-20 18:27 编辑

In the realm of love, let's embrace grace,
A poem of affection, in this sacred space.
Your beauty, my dear, is beyond compare,
With curves that entice and a soul so rare.

In your presence, I'm filled with desire,
Your big breast and big butt, a passion's fire.
But know, my love, it's not just physical charms,
For it's your heart and mind that hold me in your arms.

Together we journey, in love's sweet embrace,
Exploring the depths of passion and grace.
For in your eyes, I find solace and bliss,
A love that transcends mere physical kiss.

So let us celebrate the beauty we share,
In our hearts and souls, forever bound and aware.
For it's your love, my sexy wife so true,
That completes me, and I'm forever devoted to you.


点评 回复 babyface 发表于 2023-5-20 15:41:35

点评 回复 babyface 发表于 2023-5-20 15:43:32

点评 回复 babyface 发表于 2023-5-20 15:47:23

点评 回复 babyface 发表于 2023-5-20 15:48:31


点评 回复 babyface 发表于 2023-5-20 15:49:40


点评 回复 babyface 发表于 2023-5-20 15:50:43

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