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Colder than Ice《冷若冰霜》 荷东最经典舞曲

发布者: 宫羽 | 发布时间: 2023-11-12 21:23| 查看数: 2094| 评论数: 1|帖子模式


C-C-C Colder than ice
C-C-C Colder than ice
C-C-C Colder than ice
(Colder than ice)
C-C-C Colder than ice

Colder than ice if you give it a try
It's that look in your eyes
It's your hand on the fire
It's the lure of the pipe

C-C-C Colder than ice
You know you want to

C-C-C Colder than ice
Colder than ice if you give it a try
Look in your eyes
Rub your hands on your thighs
From the lure of the pipe

C-C-C Colder than ice
You know you want to
C-C-C Colder than ice

C-C-C Colder than ice
C-C-C Colder than ice
Colder than ice
Walking through the suburbs
Eyes down (C-C-C Colder than ice)
Skulking through the suburbs
Ice Town
C-C-C Colder than ice

Colder than ice if you give it a try
Look in your eyes
Rub your hands on your thighs
From the lure of the pipe

C-C-C Colder than ice
You know you want to

C-C-C Colder than ice
Colder than ice if you give it a try
Look in your eyes
Rub your hands on your thighs
From the lure of the pipe

C-C-C Colder than ice
You know you want to

C-C-C Colder than ice
Colder than ice if you give it a try
Look in your eyes
Rub your hands on your thighs
From the lure of the pipe

C-C-C Colder than ice
You know you want to

C-C-C Colder than ice
Colder than ice if you give it a try
Look in your eyes
Rub your hands on your thighs
From the lure of the pipe


点评 回复 宫羽 发表于 2023-11-12 21:24:33

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