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2016年美国玫瑰公主出炉 华裔女孩刘瑞麒入选 https://woodenkitten.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1388  
2015-10-9 07:32 回复|
今年35岁的中国花滑运动员庞清和佟健取的世界2015年锦标赛冠军  https://woodenkitten.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1203
2015-10-2 21:24 回复|
我们的TINY网站今天9-18记录了最高在线人数77。 9-18东北事件和77卢沟桥事件是日本企图灭忘中国的两个最为关键的日子。在日本投降70周年我们得此数字说明我们的网站虽小但有灵气,
  • 诗雅: 我还注意到了37惹, 37年77, 卢沟桥事件周年 (9-20 09:46)
  • admin: 真的,我们这世外桃源竟有这么神奇的巧合。 我刚刚看了一下, 我们的最高同时在线人数今天又破记录为79人。 (9-20 21:54)
2015-9-18 23:41 回复|
送给喜欢跳舞的(白色,永远。。。)目前世界第二,也是我目前最喜欢的  Victor Fung & Anastasia Muravyova
  • JessieGirl: Victor Fung (USA) & Anastasia Muravyova (Russia) , started dancing together in 2009 (November) as  Professional Currently they are registered as a couple in USA. They dance in  Professional . So far t ... (9-22 10:13)
2015-9-17 13:53 回复|
9月10日,纽约时代广场举行中国旗袍“快闪”秀,百名身着中华旗袍的佳丽亮相纽约,让来自全球各地的游客在“世界十字路口”欣赏中国华服之美。中国驻纽约副总领事张美芳表示,旗袍是中华传统民族服饰,在纽约时报广场举行旗袍“快闪”秀,旨在通过对中国传统文化多方位的展现,增加美国民众对中国传统文化的了解。 https://woodenkitten.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=721   ...
2015-9-12 09:05 回复|
被遗弃的中国女童:她们在美国爸爸呵护下成长(组图) https://woodenkitten.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=484&extra=
  • 诗雅: 祝福这些女孩 (8-27 21:37)
2015-8-27 21:04 回复|
China Rap  爱情大师(中文抒情)全伤感情歌_龙梅子vs 崔子格   
2015-8-23 12:13 回复|
美到极致是销魂!(特多图)  https://woodenkitten.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=373
2015-8-19 21:18 回复|
It's a secret dream,  I'm lost in your love.  You,  your lonesome eyes are all I wanna know Helpless tears can never stop the rain. Only you can turn my life ..... A touch in the night - it feels like heaven Touched in the night - so lucky in love. Lost in your light - another secret Touched in the night - whatever I do. can turn it just this way.   ----- Silent Circle : Touch In The Night  
2015-8-16 00:39 回复|
梦想牵手中国 这个国家竟把中国"山寨"了 :  世界上的另一个中国叫曼尼普尔,离我们不算远,距离云南省不到500公里。他们到现在还认中国为宗,崇拜中国文化,自称是汉唐遗民、"华夏子孙"、龙的传人,尊崇龙的文化;他们是黄皮肤,学习汉语,喜欢中国饮食;他们的国旗,国徽甚至连军队的名字都几乎跟中国一模一样,他们日夜期盼与中国的牵手……https://woodenkitten.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=334 ...
2015-8-15 10:06 回复|
Good News !     [B]论坛[/B]可以贴youtube视频了。 只需要嵌入这样的code就可以了[youtube]YoutubeID[/youtube].  比如说youtube的URL是https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lT6_oMLMz30  , 只需要嵌入这样的CODE   [youtube]lT6_oMLMz30[/youtube] 就可以了. An example https://woodenkitten.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=164&extra=
2015-8-2 00:13 回复|
温馨浪漫:萌小鸭低头饮水与鲤鱼意外“接吻” https://woodenkitten.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=84&extra=
2015-7-25 12:47 回复|
(组图)用心网友献猛图:中国空军主力机型正视照大集合! 看看你认识己种飞机。 其中有中国最先进的隐性飞机J-20,J-31。 还有J-15,J-11,和飞瀑等 https://woodenkitten.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=58&extra=
2015-7-19 12:05 回复|
图揭欲遮还羞的中国式性感 国粹也这么挑逗 ---多图 https://woodenkitten.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=11&extra=
2015-7-11 17:13 回复|
Andy, this one even older, by The Four Seasons, "Oh What a Night!"  What a Lady what a night ---  Oh I ... got a funny feeling when she walked into room. Oh my,  as I recall, it ended much too soon  
  • andrew: yeah, a song of 60s last century. Jersey Boys copied the band and sang their songs in the last several years. (7-6 22:43)
2015-7-6 21:46 回复|
Boney M Got to Go Home --- Heading for the islands, We're ready man and packed to go. When we hit those islands, There's gonna be a big hello. Digging all the sunshine, it's easy not to say goodbye, Bye, Bye, Bye ...  
  • andrew: I like this song very much -- very old song (7-6 21:34)
2015-7-6 21:29 回复|
One of my favorites ALWAYS  ------  Laura Branigan - Self Control  
2015-6-26 23:36 回复|
Modern Talking:Do You Wanna - Let's GoMusic
2015-6-16 20:05 回复|
Grouplove - "Ways to Go" https://woodenkitten.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=1&do=blog&id=41
2015-6-13 19:03 回复|
Starship :   Nothing's gonna stop us --- Standing here beside you, I want so much to give you this love in my heart that I'm feeling for you.  Let them say we're crazy. I don't care about that.   
2015-6-9 20:51 回复|