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From Dusk Till Dawn | ‘The Art of Seduction’ (HD)

热度 1已有 605 次阅读2020-4-19 12:17

Watching her
Strolling in the night so white
Wondering why
It's only after dark
In her eyes
A distant fire light burns bright
Wondering why
It's only after dark
I find myself in her room
Feel the fever of my doom
Falling falling
Through the floor
I'm knocking on the devil's door yeah
In the dawn
I wake up to find her gone
And the note
Says "only after dark"
Burning burning in the flame
Now I know her secret name






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回复 天蓝蓝 2020-4-19 19:34
"After Dark" by Tito & Tarantula: From the movie From Dusk till Dawn, this song was the one that played during Salma Hayek's memorable scene as an exotic dancer in the nightclub full of vampires. Not only was "After Dark" the perfect song for Santanico Pandemonium to dance to while memorizing the crowd, it was part of the experience that introduced Salma Hayek to mainstream American film and vaulted her career from that point on. Tito & Tarantula also played the night club band in the movie that played the song and eventually transformed into vampires. While the band never made it big in mainstream music, their song will forever be remember for helping launch the career of Salma Hayek and elevating Robert Rodriguez into mainstream while giving George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino acting careers.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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