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Hot Girls Doing Dumb Things

热度 3已有 1045 次阅读2016-10-12 20:49 | another, appears, moving

eatbelt Sights

Don’t worry, she’ll bring her own airbags if your car doesn’t have any. Let’s just hope that car isn’t moving as it appears we have another non-seatbelt wearing culprit. Hey, when you look that good nothing’s gonna happen.

Casting Call

Doctors would normally advise you not to try too much strenuous exercise when you’ve broken your leg and got it all safely bandaged up in a big pink cast. Despite that, this limber lady decided to take a quick snap just so we all know exactly how much that cast won’t get her down. That’s the spirit love! You seem like a glass is half-full kinda gal!

Mooching Around

We’ve all been so eager to get to the door that we’ve forgotten something. We don’t think we’ve ever forgotten something so important as this, however. Maybe she was just feeling especially cheeky that day?

That’s Not How To Do It

Selfie’s are still a relatively new concept so don’t be surprised if some people still don’t seem to be getting it quite right. We’ve all got that relative who can’t figure out which way to point the selfie stick. We wonder what social networking site that peach of a shot was uploaded to?

In Case Of Emergency

You probably shouldn’t be on your phones. You know what it’s like though – whenever something exciting happens, you just need to update your social accounts ASAP. Hey, at least she’s wearing her seat belt. Oh, she’s not.

Sea View

We’re not sure whether this was a gymnastic move that went awry or if this was a genuine on the beach pose but we’re almost one hundred percent sure this shot is missing from our summer photo albums. Come on – we’ve all seen ‘fail’ videos. Every one knows that kind of activity is dangerous. The photo was a bigger priority, clearly.

You Missed a Bit

It’s good to know that girls have each other’s backs especially in the harsh heat of the summer sun! When your best girlfriend misses a spot when she rubs her sunscreen on, its only fair you lend a hand.

Pampered Pooch

We don’t know whether or not the pooch is caged for its own safety… or the owner’s! Maybe her main priority is ensuring her furry friend gets pampered as much as possible? Maybe she’s just pulling a Paris Hilton, but hasn’t quite got the pet-handbag worked out yet?

Proving a Point

Maybe she’s so sick and tired of people asking “Are they real?” that she just had it added as a slogan to her tee to save herself the time and breath? Or maybe she’s trying to be ironic…?

Waving Around

Beautiful beach – check. Cool, scenic waves – check. Super-cute, teeny-tiny bikini – check. What could possibly go wrong? Oh yes, nature. It’s unpredictable! That’s why you should pay attention to what’s around you and not just the camera!

Consolation Prize

It almost looks like this girl is sad to be holding her diploma while her friends are all rocking with their ring-finger bling. We’re not so sure she should be sad… That diploma will probably last longer than their marriages. After all, a third of marriages end in divorce.

Quick Before She Wakes Up

Sometimes, to keep her happy, you just need to be sneaky. If you want to eat her favorite food, wait until she’s asleep and then she won’t know about it! Relationships are all about compromise… Or little white lies. We’re not sure?

Chip Controversy

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Sunchips have the noisiest bag of chips in the world. In other news, a bunch of people were killed in a freak accident. But oh well. You need to worry a little when bugging someone in the movie theatre with your crunchy chip packet is more important than a life. Although let’s be honest, we’ve all wanted to proverbially kill the really noisy ones at the movies.







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回复 firebird 2016-10-12 21:14
回复 charleswu 2016-10-13 07:02
firebird: HOT        
回复 brav 2016-10-15 19:58
Super pictures  

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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