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The Duck family Is Crossing the Turbulent Rushing Mountain Stream
brav 2025-2-7 11:14
A mother and her ducklings risk their lives to move crossing the rushing high mountain stream Original credit: Mother duck is training her ducklings to survive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7erXMVj-jw
36 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 3
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brav 2023-11-4 00:41
白天鹅,那美丽的仙鸟,当它展翅飞翔于蓝天之上,无不令人叹为观止。白天鹅的起飞,是大自然中最宏伟的舞蹈之一,充满了力量和优雅,仿佛是一场永不停歇的芭蕾舞。 在宁静的湖泊和河流之间,白天鹅们优雅地漫游,它们的纯白羽毛如雪花一般洁白无瑕。当它们决定离开水面,起飞腾空时,那一刻简 ...
1042 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 3
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The man behind the awesome flamethrower guitar player
brav 2023-1-14 17:07
One of the best parts of "Mad Max: Fury Road," aside from the visuals and the non-stop car action, is definitely the man playing a solo rock concert from a flamethrower guitar as he hangs midair from a speeding vehicle. Even before "Fury Road" was released in theater ...
1162 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2
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brav 2021-2-7 13:40
中国汉服国际模特大赛西安海选赛第二场第二组选手走秀展示 中国汉服国际模特大赛第二长海选第一组选手走秀展示! 中国汉服国际模特大赛西安海选赛大学生专场现场预览! ...
1060 次阅读|2 个评论
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brav 2020-7-17 22:54
白素贞的婢女、妹妹,最初的版本是男的。是一个爱憎分明、忠心不二的蛇仙。她聪明伶俐,勇于助人,她与白素贞名义上虽有主仆之别,实则情同姐妹,安乐与共,患难相扶。 她帮助白素贞与许仙结合,对许仙的动摇与软弱,她敢于批评指责;对法海挑拨陷害,她敢于挺身而出,与之顽强反抗斗争;对白素贞的友情 ...
980 次阅读|0 个评论
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对面山的那个圪梁梁, 那是一个的谁,
brav 2020-6-30 19:16
《圪梁梁》是一首山西民歌,原名《那是个谁》,由有“黄河之滨民歌王”之称的杨仲青于1980年创作 。 杨仲青,男,汉族,1942年生,山西省保德县东关镇人,专科学历,无党派。 对面山的那个圪梁梁。 那是一个的谁, 那就是的那要命的二啦妹妹 东山上的那个点灯呀 西山上那个明 ...
870 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1
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brav 2019-11-14 08:05
div.semitransparent { background:rgba(255,255,255,0.2); width:940px; border-radius:10px; border-top-right-radius: 10px; border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; } .mainwrapper {width:976px !important;} p.title ...
1305 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 2
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假身分证之舞蹈 fake ID dance
brav 2019-10-9 19:18
Hey I've been driving all over the town On my cell phone wearing it out And Ive finally tracked you down Hey everybody says : you're the man The final piece to my masterplan You got my world in the palm of your hand Well i know that you got it Come on and just sell it ...
997 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1
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Donna Summer - Hot Stuff 1979
brav 2019-8-16 17:18
975 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 3
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brav 2019-2-27 21:03
沈雨萱 - 一人願 网络歌手香香倾情献唱少年歌行《与风吟》
821 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2