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龚娅蓓 2018-4-3 18:46
请看 http://t.cn/RJJwxK4 (网址)
寒冬开梅 2017-5-8 22:25
brav: 寒梅, 真开心看到你在这,希望你能在这玩的开心。
yuanyuan88 2016-6-29 10:43
brav: Hi Yuanyuan,  it works. My greetings with sincere.

yuanyuan88 2016-6-26 17:53
brav: Hi Yuanyuan, Glad to see you are here? is that really you?  warm welcome!
Somehow my reply did not show up?
yuanyuan88 2016-6-26 17:52
brav: Hi Yuanyuan, Glad to see you are here? is that really you?  warm welcome!
Yes, it is me. Thanks for your invitation. It took me a while to find a time to come here. After I registered, I meant to write something, but the system did not allow me. I sent you a QQ in WXC instead.

I am not familiar with this place yet. When I have time, I will come to take a close look here.
念薇 2016-6-3 20:45
brav: happy weekend
笑臉書生 2016-5-29 13:30
brav: greetings
笑臉書生 2016-5-29 13:30
brav: greetings
light 2016-4-3 09:55
brav: 好, 等你把她叫来, 我们这里就热闹了。
light 2016-3-20 20:44
brav: 是你老板叫你来的? 欢迎。
JessieGirl 2016-3-11 22:11
brav: Weekend greetings
Nice weekend! Enjoy!
JessieGirl 2016-3-11 22:11
brav: Weekend greetings
Nice weekend! Enjoy!
JessieGirl 2016-3-11 22:11
brav: Weekend greetings
Nice weekend! Enjoy!
笑臉書生 2015-5-23 04:17
brav: greetings