"Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together." - Vesta M. Kelly. It's not the cauldron we expected, but dang is it still a gorgeous and unifying one. Beautifully presented We need the full coverage of the opening ...
第18届萧邦国际钢琴大赛决赛本周在波兰首都华沙举行,主办方周四(21日)揭晓胜出者,为年仅24岁的加拿大华裔钢琴家刘晓禹(Bruce Liu Xiaoyu),是时隔21年后再有华裔钢琴家夺得此殊荣,亦是历来第4位夺奖的亚洲或亚裔钢琴家。 决赛中,刘晓禹凭精湛演奏《萧邦钢琴协奏曲第一号E小调op.11》,成功在12名决赛选手中脱颖 ...